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Bank Directors' Symposium - Richmond

Join VACB & VBA for our annual Bank Directors' Symposium.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM (EDT)

Event Details

Bank Directors' Symposiums - Richmond on April 17 | Marriott Short Pump

The Directors’ Symposium, co-sponsored by the Virginia Association of Community Banks, provides bank board members with current data, thought-provoking industry trends and networking opportunities with other directors and regulators. The program is designed to benefit both new directors and seasoned veterans on the Board.

Agenda Topics & Speakers

Economic Update Lauren Henderson | Stifel, Nicoluas & Company, Inc.

Liquidity Dan Brenton and Todd Wacker | FHLBank Atlanta

During this presentation, Todd and Dan will discuss liquidity and the importance of identifying and managing liquidity sources as well as the current liquidity environment, funding sources, and best practices.

Legal Panel 
Moderated by: DeMarion Johnston | Virginia Bankers Association;
Panelists: Heather Eastep | Hunton Andrews Kurth, LLP; Scott Richter | Williams Mullen; Seth Winter | Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Payments Patrick Dix | SHAZAM

Artificial Intelligence is a topic almost every industry is trying to grapple with.  The potential benefits and the uncomfortable challenges AI present make it hard to think strategically about. In this session we’ll give you a framework to think about new technologies and innovations like AI and how you might use them in your bank.  We’ll talk about the ways AI is already in the marketplace, enhancing payments, authentication and the customer experience.  We’ll also look down the road at the potential risks AI and it’s uses pose for banking in the future. 

Commercial Lending & Workouts Robert Chappell | Spotts Fain PC

This session will focus on what bank directors should understand when the bank is working out and recovering commercial, secured loans.  Robert will walk attendees through the steps that they should understand when addressing troubled loans, including: (1) the gathering of information; (2) assessing and analyzing loan documents, collateral and financial information; (3) risk assessment, including lender liability and litigation risk; (4) the use of legal tools including pre-negotiation letters and forbearance agreements; and (5) a discussion of methods of collateral seizure and liquidation including foreclosure, receiverships and bankruptcy.  The talk will also examine basic risk management steps bank directors should understand for avoiding trouble loans and for dealing with borrowers who are inclined toward litigation.

Bank Directors: Your Vital Stewardship Leadership Role Eric Alexander | 6 Arrows Consulting

Bank directors serve in an important role — and you can enhance your effectiveness in that role by better understanding the essence of the role, how it is distinct from yet supportive of the role of management, and what the keys are to exercising effective oversight in an industry experiencing continual change. In this session, we’ll explore some keys to maximizing your contribution in this vital stewardship leadership role.

For More Information:

Katharine C. Garner
Katharine C. Garner
VACB (804)673-8250


Registration is being handled by the VBA. To register for this program, please click here.

Hotel Information

The Inn at Virginia Tech
901 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061
The planners have booked a block of rooms at the Inn at Virginia Tech for $156/night, plus taxes and fees.  To take advantage of the negotiated rate, reservations must be made by March 26, 2024. Make your reservation here.

Richmond Marriott Short Pump
4240 Dominion Boulevard
Glen Allen, VA 23060
The planners have booked a block of rooms at the Richmond Marriott Short Pump for $179/night, plus taxes and fees.  To take advantage of the negotiated rate, reservations must be made by March 26, 2024. Make your reservation here.